
Gardens of the Year 2020 awarded

Copyright: Peter Johann Kierzkowski/Callwey

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Award ceremony on 13 February 2020 at Schloss Dyck

The historic ballroom at Schloss Dyck was threatening to burst at the seams. More than 180 guests had gathered at the Centre for Garden Art and Garden Culture on the evening of 13 February 2020. Beautiful occasion: award ceremony in the competition Gardens of the Year 2020, offered by Callwey Verlag and Garten Landschaft, and anniversary event, the fifth time.

After the welcome by the "lord of the castle" Jens Spanjer, managing director Dr. Marcella Prior-Callwey took the floor. She thanked the landscape architects, garden and landscape builders and their clients from Germany, Austria and Switzerland for the more than 80 entries to this year's competition.

The first prize, endowed with 5,000.00 euros, went to gartenplus - gartenarchitekten for the garden "Atmosphere is everything" in Düsseldorf.

Three bdla offices were among the four recognitions: Brigitte Röde - Planungsbüro Garten und Freiraum from Cologne for "The Garden of Ten Seasons" in Viersen, Christiane von Burkersroda Gartendesign for "Upper Bavarian Lifestyle in Green" at Lake Starnberg and WKM Landschaftsarchitekten for "Classic Meets Modern" in Bonn.

The award winners of the evening. Photo: Peter Johann Kierzkowski/Callwey

The award ceremony, which still included the honours for product solutions and the award for Ferdinand Graf Luckner as best garden photographer, was spiced up by the journalist Meike Winnemuth with her talk "A garden as it is written in the book". She summed up her experience from 365 days of "exile" in the garden on the Baltic Sea with the words: "You plant tomorrow".

A sentence that could hardly be topped in truth and symbolism. And so, at this point, it is logical to refer to the 2021 competition with the submission deadline from 20 April to 12 July 2020 and the award ceremony on 18 February 2021, again from Schloss Dyck.

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