
EU Commission presents biodiversity strategy until 2030

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As part of the European Green Deal, the EU Commission has presented a strategy for the protection and restoration of biodiversity. In addition to species protection, this is intended to counter climate change, among other things, because "nature is our strongest ally in the fight against climate change".

Photo: GreylanderPhotography, licence CC BY-SA 4.0, edited by bdla

At the same time, functioning ecosystems are seen as an important building block for strengthening Europe's resilience and preventing the emergence and spread of future diseases.

Designation of protected areas

The most important measure for the implementation of the strategy is the creation of a coherent network of protected areas, which should cover at least 30 he land area and 30 he seas in the EU. Other interesting measures from the point of view of landscape architecture are the containment of land consumption and the restoration of soil ecosystems, as well as the enhancement of biodiversity on agricultural land. Furthermore, investments in green and blue infrastructure are to be promoted, also in terms of cross-border cooperation.

Greening of cities

Urban greening is to be strengthened both for biodiversity reasons and because the "value of urban green spaces for our physical and psychological well-being" is highly valued. The promotion of healthy ecosystems, green infrastructure and nature-based solutions will therefore be systematically integrated into urban planning. Cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants will also be asked to develop "plans for greening cities". A corresponding platform at EU level is to be established in 2021.

To ensure full political ownership of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, the EU Parliament and Council are asked to give their consent. By 2024, the implementation of the strategy is to be reviewed, progress assessed and measures adapted if necessary.

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