
Checklist for the EU contract notice for planning services

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Exclusively for the members of the bdla, the legal advisor of the bdla, Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh, has prepared a checklist for the announcement of EU-wide award procedures for planning services.

The checklist is intended as an aid to impart knowledge and problem awareness as to whether the respective concrete invitation to tender is faulty and how one should then behave as a bidder. On the other hand, it is intended to convey where and how applications and tenders can be better structured in order to increase the chances of being awarded the contract.

From a strictly legal point of view, the notes only apply to EU-wide tenders above the EU threshold. However, as the notes focus on the key issues, it can be said as a rule of thumb that most of these notes also largely apply to awards below the EU threshold. However, the contracting authorities have greater freedom of design there, so that a closer examination may be necessary depending on the individual case.

The checklist together with the annotated form "Contract notice" is available for download in the members' area.

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