
EU climate change adaptation strategy presented

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The EU Commission presented its new strategy for adaptation to climate change on 24/02/2021 (press release). "The aim of the strategy is to achieve the vision of a climate resilient Union by 2050". Climate resilience is to be included as an overarching theme in all EU policy areas in the future, from financial planning to energy efficiency of buildings and public procurement.

From the perspective of landscape architects, it is interesting that blue-green infrastructures have an important function as so-called nature-based solutions. Thus, the strategy states: "Blue-green (as opposed to grey) infrastructures are multifunctional "no regret" solutions, offer ecological, social and economic benefits at the same time and contribute to strengthening climate resilience."

In a first analysis, the EU Liaison Office of the German Federal Chamber of Architects states in this regard: "Particularly noteworthy here are the protection and restoration of peatlands, coastal and marine ecosystems, the development of urban green spaces and the installation of green roofs and facades, as well as the sustainable management of forests and agricultural land. Furthermore, the value of nature-based solutions needs to be better quantified and communicated to decision-makers and users at all levels to increase uptake. Investments, programmes and advisory services on nature-based solutions should be promoted under the InvestEU funding programme, with the cohesion policy programmes and under the Common Agricultural Policy."

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