
bdla advanced training "Special expertise in climate adaptation"

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From April to June 2022, the bdla, in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich, the Technical University of Berlin, the HafenCity University of Hamburg, and bgmr Landscape Architects, will conduct a three-day continuing education event on concepts and measures for climate adaptation in landscape architecture and planning.

Projects for water-sensitive and heat-adapted urban and neighborhood development will be presented and discussed. This will be done with examples in existing buildings as well as in new buildings. Different scale levels with the corresponding planning tools will be treated exemplarily, executed examples will be visited on site.

Berlin Program, April 22, 2022

Schwammstadt - Concepts of city-wide, neighborhood- and building-related climate adaptation - focus on new construction.

Dr. Carlo W. Becker, bgmr Landschaftsarchitekten, Berlin
Marco Schmidt, Bundesinstitut für Bau-/ Stadt und Raumforschung sowie Technische Universität Berlin

It is well known that climate adaptation is necessary. Which measures are the necessary, suitable and realizable ones for the respective place requires a preparatory conceptual planning. In the context of the advanced training course the question is pursued, how such concepts of the climatic adaptation are compiled.

Basics / guiding principles / goals / concepts for action / measures / magnifying glasses / action plans

One focus will be the topic of the sponge city, i.e. the linking of stormwater management and heat prevention. The multicoding of the surface of the city will be in focus, climate adaptation is not a separate specialized planning, but requires a qualification of urban uses around the requirements of climate adaptation.

Three planning levels are addressed: City as a whole - City neighborhood - Object/building. For each of these planning levels, corresponding example projects are presented and discussed. It will be shown how climate adaptation concepts can be transferred to urban land use planning and where the limits are.

Examples of climate adaptation concepts will be discussed. For the building-related level, the example of the physics building in Adlershof is presented.

Concepts show possible measures and strategies, they form a framework for action. In the further events of the seminar series it will be deepened how these can be implemented concretely.

Using the example of Berlin-Adlershof, an excursion will show how such concepts are implemented structurally in terms of qualities, strategies and conflict potentials.

9.00 a.m.

Welcome and introduction

Dr. Carlo W. Becker, Marco Schmidt, Irene Burkhardt

How can climate adaptation be implemented?

Preparatory concepts - city-wide and neighborhood-based concepts.

Overview: Vulnerability analyses/ mission statements/ action concepts/ measures/ magnifying glasses.

Examples: City-wide climate adaptation concepts

11.00 Break

Neighborhood concepts: From concept to implementation

Master plan stormwater and heat adaptation Schumacher Quartier Berlin Tegel

Competition: Sportforum Hohenschönhausen Berlin

Building related concepts

Roof and facade greening, rainwater harvesting, energy-efficient building cooling

Institute of Physics Berlin-Adlershof, Urban Water Potsdamer Platz, UFA Factory Berlin a. o.

13.15 Break

Excursion - among others Institute of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Adlershof

16.00 End of the event

Program Hamburg, May 20, 2022

Heat stress and heavy rainfall - Blue-green infrastructure in public spaces.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Dickhaut, HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU)
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Antje Stokman, HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU)

In Hamburg, the focus of the events is on strategies and measures to reduce heat stress and flooding from heavy rain in public and semi-public spaces. A central type of space is the street space and urban squares in the inner-city dense context, has here, in addition to the traffic requirements, especially the quality of stay for pedestrians and cyclists a high priority.

An important basis of the input in the morning is fed by the results of the BMBF research project BlueGreenStreets, especially the developed toolbox for a climate-adapted streetscape planning. Innovative approaches to climate adaptation in road space were developed and tested for concrete road space planning in various cities in Germany.

Thematically, this can provide information on both the techniques used, their dimensioning, expected effects, urban design integration, the handling of existing pipelines, and the operation and maintenance of the systems. As a particularly innovative element, various types of tree trenches will be presented, which are being built as part of BlueGreenStreets and are currently being continuously evaluated.

In the afternoon, an excursion to an innovative neighborhood in HH-Weißenberge will take place. In the interaction of numerous types of measures of decentralized stormwater management, an innovative concept was built here, which allows the management of a 100-year event without a stormwater sewer. As a particularly innovative element, various so-called retention green roofs can be built, which can be visited.

9.00 a.m.

Welcome and introduction

Wolfgang Dickhaut, Antje Stokman, Irene Burkhardt

Concepts and strategies of a climate-adapted streetscape design?

Strategies: creating space BlueGreen, establishing a BlueGreen cascade for water use, BlueGreen strips as linear elements in the streetscape.

Examples: Hamburg, Berlin

11.00 Break

Concrete blue-green measure types - design

Selected techniques used (focus on vital tree sites/tree infiltrators), their dimensioning, expected effects, urban design integration

Concrete blue-green measure types - challenges and solution approaches

Dealing with the existing pipeline, operation and maintenance of the facilities

13.15 Break

Excursion - Hamburg-Weißenberge

16.00 End of the event

Program Munich, June 24, 2022

Heat stress and heavy rainfall - climate-oriented redensification in inner-city neighborhoods.

Irene Burkhardt, bdla Vice President, Burkhardt | Engelmayer | Mendel Landschaftsarchitekten Stadtplaner Part mbB, Munich
Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit, TU Munich
Dr. Simone Linke, TU Munich
Sabrina Erlwein, TU Munich
Prof. Werner Lang, TU Munich
Andreas Putz, Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung
Barbara Weihs, Weihs Landschaftsarchitektur, Munich

In the final part of the workshop series, the possibilities of climate-oriented redensification in residential neighborhoods are considered. The focus is on the potential of green infrastructure to reduce heat stress and for sustainable heavy rainfall management.

To this end, research results will be presented on a real planning case in Munich, to which the excursion will also lead. Using the example of the redevelopment and competition area of Munich-Moosach, conflicting goals for redensification in the housing stock, but also development potentials, will be shown.

The method and results of modeling for thermal comfort, heavy rainfall and ventilation are presented and their application in practice is discussed.

Subsequently, the integration of climate aspects into planning instruments, such as the current framework plan and competition in Munich-Moosach as well as green space and open space design plans will be discussed.

9.00 a.m.


Irene Burkhardt, Stephan Pauleit

Basis of argumentation

Climate change scenarios and risks in Munich

Green is not equal to green: Potentials of green and blue infrastructure for heat and rainwater management

Redensification in residential neighborhoods using the example of Moosach. Main topics: Heat stress and heavy rainfall

Area presentation, research questions, modeling results on thermal comfort, heavy rainfall and ventilation

10.45 Break

Excursion - Munich-Moosach residential quarter

Discussions at "hotspots" on aeration, infiltration, sealing, noise, mobility, etc.

12.30 Break

Instruments and possibilities for action in urban and open space planning, part 1

Climate adaptation in competition. Case study Munich Moosach. Climate adaptation in the framework plan

14.30 Break

Instruments and possibilities for action in urban and open space planning, part 2

Climate adaptation in the development plan. Climate adaptation in the open space design plan.

Concluding discussion

16.00 End of the event

The number of participants is limited to 40 people. A certificate of "Special Expertise in Climate Adaptation" will be issued upon participation in all three events.

Cooperation partners: Technical University of Munich, Technical University of Berlin, HafenCity University Hamburg, bgmr landscape architects, Berlin.

The event is fully booked.


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