
bdla intensifies international work - IFLA team formed

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To further strengthen German landscape architecture, its competences and potentials on an international level, the "IFLA" team has been constituted within the bdla.

Together with representatives of the Federal Chamber of Architects (BAK), current topics are to be processed and synergies are to be created. In this way, the impact of the European dimension on the daily work of landscape architects is to be taken into account to a greater extent.

Concrete fields of action are, among others, a welcome offensive to meet the shortage of skilled workers and further qualification of foreign employees, the recognition of German landscape architecture courses at IFLA-Europe or the participation in formats of the EU initiative "New European Bauhaus".

In addition, the BAK's Brussels liaison office will continue to provide close technical support for the Commission's legislative projects on energy supply, climate adaptation and mobility change. For further information on the commitment of the "IFLA" team, please contact Thomas Haas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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