
Easter package on energy transition and planning acceleration adopted

Foto: Gerold Rosenberg, Wikimedia, Lizenz CC 3.0

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A series of legislative adjustments, the so-called Easter package of the federal government, were finally approved by the Bundesrat on July 8, 2022.

Among other things, the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatschG) and the Building Code (BauGB) were amended. The new Wind-on-Land Act (WaLG) is also part of the Easter Pact.

In addition, the Federal Immission Control Act (BImschG) as well as the Regional Planning Act (ROG) - article law, among others, to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG) as well as the Ordinance on Fees for Architectural and Engineering Services (HOAI) - are adapted.

Worth mentioning is, among other things, the closer integration of regional planning and plan approval procedures (ROG § 15/§ 49 UVPG) or the inclusion of landscape protection areas in the search for areas for wind energy development (BNatschG § 26).

After being signed by the Federal President, the EEG Act can be promulgated in the Federal Law Gazette. Some passages will come into force directly on the day after or in a few weeks and months, the rest of the law package then on January 1, 2023.

The bdla closely accompanies the aforementioned legislative initiatives, discusses these among other things in the working group landscape planning for the profession and thematizes essential elements in its two-day conference "Update 2022. landscape and environmental planning" on 20/21/10/22.

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