
Catalog of measures of the Alliance for Affordable Housing

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The German government wants to create sufficient affordable, climate-neutral and low-barrier housing; in this legislative period, 400,000 apartments each year, 100,000 of them as social housing. The 190 proposed measures of the "Affordable Housing Alliance" are intended to give a major boost to housing construction in Germany.

The Alliance, launched by Federal Minister of Construction Klara Geywitz in March 2022, comprises 35 Alliance partners, including the Federal Chamber of Architects representing 138,000 architects, interior designers, landscape architects and urban planners from Germany.

Roof extension Franz-Schmidt-Strasse, Berlin © HOWOGE Rentsch

BAK President Andrea Gebhard said on October 12, 2022, during the handover of the catalog of measures to Chancellor Olaf Scholz that the BAK welcomed the federal government's efforts "to significantly improve the framework conditions for building. Of course, the ambitious figure of 400,000 must not lead to a renunciation in terms of building culture and sustainability. The focus must not only be on individual buildings, but also on the entire residential environment and the associated open spaces."

Some of the BAK's demands are echoed in the document:

  • Building permit authorities should be increased in staff to enable faster procedures. The building permit procedure is to be digitized and a digital information center of the chambers of architects and engineers on the authorization to submit building documents is to be integrated into it.
  • Experimentation clauses are to clear the way in the building code for urgently needed innovations beyond the strict regulatory corset. This will be a starting point for the BAK initiative on "Building Type E".
  • Digital tools should be made available by the public sector with as few barriers as possible in order to make requirements for the sustainability of buildings manageable for planners.

Alliance for affordable housing

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