
How do we improve city life?

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By 2050, seven out of ten people could be living in urban regions. Cities should therefore be developed sustainably now in order to remain livable. Energy transition, transport, housing, digital management, the effects of climate change - the challenges are enormous.

3 Magazin, the printed platform for social discourse in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, asked 92 renowned experts and readers of the Süddeutsche Zeitung in its issue how we can make our cities fit for the future and what ideas and technologies we need for this.

For the profession of landscape architects, bdla Vice President Timo Herrmann answered that the most important point for climate protection and climate adaptation is more green. "Large-scale planting with trees stores more CO2 and provides shading and natural cooling. () Besides that, I advocate for a reconstruction of stormwater drainage, for example through the 'Sponge City' concept." Further on, he still points out necessary ways of thinking and behaving in terms of mobility that need to be changed. "The rethinking has started, now we just have to act," Timo Herrmann concludes.

How do we improve city life?

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