
Sport in public open spaces and sports facilities

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Sports, games and exercise are becoming increasingly important in our society, especially with regard to informal sports activities in public open spaces. However, the diverse demands for use are pushing our green spaces to the limits of their capacity. Opening up formal sports and club facilities for informal use is an obvious solution. The first projects to this end have been implemented.

Freiham educational campus in Munich: The callisthenics facility and basketball court are part of the public park. Planning/Photo: Keller Damm Kollegen GmbH Landscape Architects Urban Planners, Munich.

In May 2022, the bdla dedicated a workshop at the Styrum Sports Park and Issue 4 of its association magazine "Landscape Architects" to the topic of "Sport and Open Space." What it means to realize and operate multicoded sports parks, the published field reports, viewpoints and project descriptions provide exemplary interesting insights and outlooks.

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