
Natural Climate Protection Action Program continued

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The Federal Climate Protection Act sets Germany ambitious national climate protection targets. In order to achieve these, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection has published a further developed overall draft of the Natural Climate Protection Action Program.

The action program is endowed with the considerable sum of €4 billion until 2026. The action program was revised again after an initial intensive participation phase, in which the bdla was also involved. Some relevant and innovative demands of the bdla were transferred into the action program.

The linkage and coordination with the federal program "Blue Ribbon plus" proposed by the bdla was included in the chapter "Near-natural water balance with living rivers, lakes and floodplains" in the action program. floodplains" chapter in the action program.

The funding program "ClimateWilderness - Securing smaller areas with self-dynamic development" is expressly welcomed by the bdla. Here was, as proposed, a minimum area size was defined in addition to the maximum area size for eligibility for funding.

In the chapter "Natural climate protection on settlement and traffic areas" , the funding object is expanded by improving the location conditions of existing urban trees. The conversion of existing buildings will be the subject of the funding guidelines. In addition, there will be financial support for cities and municipalities in the future for the creation of street and urban tree concepts. With regard to the implementation and further development of the "water-sensitive city", the adaptation of technical regulations and legal requirements will be promoted as a central factor for success.

With 64 measures in ten fields of action, the action program contains a wealth of goals and steps that are very welcome from the point of view of the bdla. Unfortunately, some measures in the action program are only very vaguely formulated. In the next step, the overall draft will now be submitted to departmental coordination within the federal government. The Action Program Natural Climate Protection is to be adopted next year.

Further information can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.

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