
Call for participation: Survey on HOAI table values

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The bdla would like to draw attention to the survey of the expert Dieter Pfrommer on the table values of the area planning in part 2 of the HOAI, which is worth supporting. For the current amendment of the HOAI, reliable data to justify an adjustment of the table values would be of great value.

The survey until May 2, 2023 refers to the services landscape plan, green structure plan, landscape master plan, landscape conservation plan, maintenance and development plan and environmental impact study as landscape planning consulting services.

To participate, please download the survey forms and a background paper with the following link:


In the course of the amendment for the HOAI 2021, the table values of the area planning in part 2 of the HOAI, which had been adjusted with the new version of the HOAI 2013, remained unchanged. The cost development of the offices working for this has been steadily increasing for these meanwhile more than 10 years. Currently, it is doubtful whether the table values for basic services of the service profiles of the area planning are still adequately measured.

With the law for the change of the law for the regulation of engineer and architect achievements - ArchLG -, since 19.11.2020 in force - the legal authorization basis of the HOAI was again formulated and thereby for the table values of the HOAI clarified that "with the determination of the fee tables ... for the determination of appropriate fees the entitled interests of the engineers and architects and those obligated to the payment are to be considered.These are to be based on the nature and scope of the task as well as the performance of the engineer or architect."

With the appropriateness requirement contained in ArchLG 2020, the fee ranges of the service profiles are subject to a requirement to determine future table values in HOAI in such a way that inadequate remuneration can be ruled out.

In the 2021 - 2025 coalition agreement between the SPD, Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen and the FDP, the goal is formulated less precisely: "We want to reform the Fee Structure for Architects (HOAI) and adapt the service profiles." With regard to a reform of the regulations, in particular the adjustment of the service profiles in the HOAI, work is already underway. A group of experts supported by the BBR is working on modernizing general regulations and the HOAI's service profiles. In a further stage, starting in mid-2023, a group of experts commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) will investigate whether the values of the fee scales need to be adjusted. The results of the survey will be communicated to the political decision-makers in the further course of the HOAI amendment.

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