Results of the Environmental Awareness Study 2022 by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV).
The Environmental Awareness Study 2022, published by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV), shows that protecting the environment and climate remains an important issue for people in Germany. A very clear majority also supports the environmentally and climate-friendly restructuring of the German economy. However, it is important to the respondents that the transformation takes place in a socially responsible manner and that particularly affected regions receive targeted support.

The consequences of the climate crisis are a major concern for people in Germany. For example, 85 percent of respondents already perceive very strong or strong effects of climate change in the form of persistent drought, low water levels and droughts and are in favor of adaptation and protection measures.
Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke: "The past few years show very clearly that weather extremes are on the increase - with considerable negative effects on the environment, the economy and also on people's health. This forces us to take precautions and adapt to the consequences of the climate crisis. That's why the German government has launched the first nationwide Climate Adaptation Act. For the first time, it is intended to create a binding framework for the federal, state and local governments and protect us, for example, through strategies for cooler cities and more shading. With the National Heat Protection Plan, the Water Strategy and the Natural Climate Protection Action Program, there are three more building blocks that will help us mitigate the negative consequences of the climate crisis for people and the environment."
When it comes to environmental policy needs for action, reducing plastic waste discharges into nature and promoting the circular economy are at the top of the list for respondents.
Environmental awareness in Germany 2022
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