
Disappointing interim balance sheet on land policy

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The Bündnis Bodenwende, a non-partisan and interdisciplinary alliance of academies, chambers, associations and foundations, including the bdla, had drawn up soil policy election test stones in the run-up to the 2021 Bundestag elections and published the parties' responses. At the halfway point of the legislative period, the alliance is now presenting an interim summary.

Prof. Martin zur Nedden, former President of DASL and member of the Soil Policy Committee, sums up the overall disappointing result as follows: "The election manifestos of the subsequent coalition partners contain elements of public welfare-oriented soil policy, albeit to varying degrees. The coalition agreement falls well short of this; the land policy projects are manageable in terms of scope and relevance for overcoming the challenges. However, hardly any of these have been implemented to date."

For example, the cities are still waiting for the 'inner development measure', which is important for the mobilization of building land, and for the restoration of the municipal right of first refusal in milieu protection areas.

Prof. Martin zur Nedden
Member of the Land Policy Committee

Land policy is a cross-cutting issue that affects numerous departments at all levels of government. This is why the Soil Turnaround 2021 alliance has emphatically called for the establishment of a Bundestag commission of inquiry into land policy.

Ricarda Pätzold, co-chair of the DASL Soil Policy Committee: "Unfortunately, this has not even been seriously discussed in the coalition negotiations. We therefore once again appeal to the federal legislator to set up a commission of inquiry to fundamentally prepare the field of action "Public welfare-oriented and sustainable land policy" in the 21st legislative period at the latest."

In contrast to the extensive standstill in land policy at federal level, this interim report shows numerous activities in cities and municipalities. A recent study by the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) on the practice of municipal building land mobilization and land policy shows that local authorities are increasingly aware of the need for a land policy geared towards the common good and that existing instruments are increasingly being used.

With a view to the second half of the legislative period, Stephan Reiß-Schmidt, co-chair of the DASL Soil Policy Committee, hopes that the "major amendment" to the Building Code, which has already been initiated with expert discussions, will be implemented: "We appeal to Building Minister Klara Geywitz and the German Bundestag to implement the urgently needed expansion of the scope of action for local authorities in land policy as part of the major amendment to the Building Code, at least as a first step in this legislative period!"

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