
Evaluation and further development of the HOAI

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For the current HOAI reform process, the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning has now published an important report that scientifically prepares the reform. By evaluating the service areas of the HOAI, it proposes adjustments to the service profiles and the regulations in Parts 1 to 4.

The background to this is the change in requirements for planning and construction since 2013, particularly in the areas of sustainability, climate protection, consideration of existing buildings and the use of digital methods.

Among other things, a new "urban planning design" service profile, the development of a standard BIM process and specific regulations for determining the chargeable costs of building fabric to be incorporated are proposed.

The results report with the main change considerations of the one-year investigation process, which was accompanied by experts, is now available. It provides a basis for the subsequent fee report and the further ordinance procedure at the Federal Ministry of Economics.

The bdla has internal assessments of the report, which will form the basis for the association's further work. The status of the evaluation - from the perspective of landscape architects - will be commented on at the bdla Economic Forum on February 23, 2024 in Kassel.

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