
Online seminar series: Climate protection and climate adaptation in planning practice

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Leading experts from research and practice will provide insights into current topics in the field of climate protection and climate adaptation.

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The online series offers landscape architects a platform in four modules to expand their specialist knowledge and learn about innovative approaches:

  • Climate adaptation concepts,
  • Climate protection in approval procedures,
  • CO2 footprint and open space planning and
  • Building climate adaptation.

Each presentation will be followed by an opportunity for discussion and exchange at a high professional level.

The program of the Climate Training 2024

FR October 18 | 9.00-13.45
Climate adaptation concepts

Urban climate adaptation concepts using the examples of Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Winterthur
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Martin Berchtold, Professorship for Digitization, Visualization and Monitoring in Spatial Planning/Department of Spatial and Environmental Planning, Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University RPTU, Kaiserslautern-Landau

Thematic landscape plan of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck.
Managing climate impacts at the level of preparatory urban land-use planning
Ingrid Bauer, Officer in the Environment, Nature and Consumer Protection Department, Hanseatic City of Lübeck

Streets to Parks - infrastructure transformation using the example of the Gemma Gürtel study, Vienna
Prof. Florian Otto, bauchplan ).(, Munich, Vienna, Cologne, Department of Landscape Architecture Technology/Building in Climate Change, University of Kassel

The sponge city principle in Graz: successes, experiences and findings after seven years of implementation
Tomas Stoisser, Department of Green Space and Open Space Planning, City of Graz

DI November 5 | 9.00-13.30
Climate protection in approval procedures

Legal foundations of climate protection in approval and planning procedures
Dr. Marcus Lau, Partner, lawyer and specialist lawyer for administrative law, Füßer und Kollegen Rechtsanwälte, Leipzig

Expert contribution on climateprotection - planning relevance and highlights of specific applications - road construction
Kerstin Berg, Bielfeldt Berg Landschaftsplanung, Hamburg, bdla expert spokesperson for landscape planning

Expert contribution on climate protection - planning relevance and highlights of specific applications - energy networks or infrastructures
Uwe Herrmann, BHF Bendfeldt Herrmann Franke LandschaftsArchitekten, Kiel, bdla working group on landscape planning

Planning contributions of landscape planning for natural climate protection measures
Martina Gaebler, Kortemeier Brokmann Landschaftsarchitekten, Herford, bdla working group on landscape planning

Dialogue between climate protection/climate adaptation and intervention/compensation
Strategic analysis using the example of precipitation management and compensation potential in an urban context
Gabriele Pütz, gruppe F Freiraum für alle, Berlin

DI November 26 | 9.00-13.45
CO2-Footprint undamp; Freiraumplanung

Overview of the current status of tools and assistance
Lennart Fischer, Institute of Landscape Architecture/Faculty of Architecture and Landscape, Leibniz University, Hanover

CO2 balancing in landscape architecture. A practical approach using the example of Nordpark
Sonja Griebenow, Linnea Landschaftsarchitektur, Hanover

Circular design using the example of the open spaces in Grellgasse, Vienna
Carla Lo, Carla Lo Landschaftsarchitektur, Vienna

Climate-neutral planning office andCO2-sensitive planning
Lioba Lissner, hochC Landschaftsarchitekten, Berlin

FR December 6 | 9.00-12.45 a.m.
Building climate adaptation

Green-blue infrastructure planning in Denmark
Prof. Dr. Antje Backhaus, gruppe F Freiraum für alle, Berlin, Chair of Green Technologies, Leibniz Universität Hannover

Best practice: reinterpretation and climate-friendly renovation of listed squares and open spaces
Till Rehwaldt, Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten, Dresden, Berlin, Prague, Beijing

Elements of green-blue infrastructure from a structural engineering perspective
Tom Kirsten, freelance landscape architect and ö.b.u.v. expert, Pirna, bdla spokesperson for structural engineering and standards

All seminars are held in German. It is possible to register for individual seminars.
Participants will receive a bdla training certificate. Recognition as further training will be applied for at the Chamber of Architects.

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