
Prof. Alfred Niesel has died

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Prof. Alfred Niesel, one of the profession's great visionaries, passed away in Osnabrück on July 24, 2024 at the age of 99.

After training as a nurseryman and studying horticulture in Hanover, the Stralsund native initially worked in the private sector. "In 1963, I started working as a lecturer in Osnabrück and soon had my first contact with the Association of Landscape Gardeners. My first subjects were 'Building materials and construction, construction technology and surveying technology' and 'Tendering, calculation and invoicing'. This last subject was actually a curiosity, because the content was all geared towards the work of a landscape architect and costing didn't fit in at all," recalled Prof. Niesel in his laudatory speech to mark the 50th anniversary of the Federal Association of Garden, Landscape and Sports Field Construction in 2014.

Prof. Alfred Niesel (center), with his wife Irmgard standing next to him, receives the "Silver Landscape" from BGL President Lothar von Wurmb in 1990 for his services to gardening and landscaping. © BGL

The landscape architect bdla began his academic career - he joined the Bund Deutscher Garten- und Landschaftsarchitekten BDGA e.V. in 1968 - with the founding of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences in 1971. Until his retirement in 1988, he was a professor there in the field of technology in landscape and sports field construction. As head of the department from 1971 to 1973, he created the course in construction management and civil engineering in landscaping, which became known throughout Germany as the "Osnabrück School". He produced operational analyses, developed a calculation file for landscaping as well as the standard service book for landscaping and guidelines for calculation and reporting that were valid throughout Germany.

From 1980 to 2007, Prof. Niesel was editor of the magazine "Neue Landschaft", which developed into one of the leading trade journals for landscaping in Germany under his leadership.

Prof. Alfred Niesel - pictured on his 90th birthday - was the founder of modern construction management in landscaping. Meike Stelter, Managing Director of FGL Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Niesel's great commitment was to standards. From its foundation in 1975 until 2003, he shaped the work of the Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau (FLL). On his 90th birthday, the FLL paid tribute to its founding and honorary member with the words: "For 17 years, he alone took on the leadership tasks in the FLL, be it in the presidium or on the research advisory board. He and Prof. Dr. H.-J. Liesecke were instrumental in initiating the rules and regulations work, which is the most important pillar of the FLL today, back in the late 1970s. Later, Prof. Niesel chaired various committees for many years and, as one of the profession's great visionaries, promoted innovative topics. He was characterized by integrity and strong collegiality."

In March 1999, the Federal President awarded him the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon.

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