On December 10, 2024, representatives from the profession, practice, administration and academia came together at the Hamburg Chamber of Architects for an initial meeting. The starting point was the letter from Prof. Stephan Lenzen to Senators Fegebank, Pein and Kerstan in August 2024, in which the bdla advocated for an independent landscape architecture course in the Hamburg metropolitan region.

The local Chamber of Architects has now taken this initiative as an opportunity to set up its own project group to achieve this goal. The members of the project group, of which the bdla is an associate member, will now make strategic and conceptual efforts to sound out individual implementation options together with local politicians and the university council. Among other things, the possible teaching profile or unique selling point of such a course and forms of cooperation with other European universities were discussed in concrete terms.
Alongside this, the recently published "Reality Check Nachwuchs" identified a considerable need for well-trained landscape architects throughout Germany. The report draws particular attention to the metropolitan regions with their special appeal for students. Both the Hamburg and Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan regions have so far lacked opportunities to study landscape architecture. The project group will now seek a direct exchange with local political representatives in the run-up to the upcoming parliamentary elections on March 2, 2025.
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