
Construction technology and standards working group: Work on regulations and site manager discussions

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The Construction Technology and Standards Working Group met for its annual meeting in the documenta city of Kassel on 21.09.2023. The main focus was on reports on current work on regulations at the FLL and DIN.

Among other things, the current status of updating the Additional Technical Contract Terms - ZTV for short - for planting work and path construction and the revision of the FLL guidelines for the maintenance and use of sports facilities were discussed in depth.

The issue of synthetic turf systems outside of DIN 18035 was also discussed. The intention is to intensify cooperation with other bdla working groups and working groups to strengthen standardization work; specifically, DIN SPEC 91468, which deals with the development of a guideline for resource-efficient urban districts. Tom Kirsten reported on his commitment to offering a more tailored range for the daily planning practice of landscape architects in addition to the current total of 99 standards as a package at a fixed price on Beuth-Verlag's architecture standards portal.

The working group also intends to create and prepare an overview and collection of relevant information on the new Mantelverordnung, consisting of the introduction of a substitute building materials ordinance and the new version of the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance, which came into force on August 1, 2023, and to make it available to all bdla members in a next step. Practical experience with the new ordinance will also be included. In addition, the program status of the site manager talks on 19/20 January 2024 in Bochum was presented. The renaming was based on an advisory board resolution, suggestions from the bdla Gender Equality Working Group and a presidium resolution.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2023

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