
Construction technology and standards working group: Regulatory work, AI and construction manager talks 2025

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The Construction Technology and Standards Working Group held its annual meeting in Erfurt on September 26, 2024. Among other things, the main focus was on reports on the current regulatory work at the FLL and DIN.

The current status of updating the Additional Technical Contract Terms - ZTV for short - for paving work was discussed in depth. A yellow print is already available and will be published as a white print in the near future. The worksheet of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste DWA-A 138-1 "Installations for the infiltration of rainwater" is also expected to be available as a white print in the first quarter of 2025. With regard to general regulatory work and the planned Building Type E Act, the working group is in favor of introducing more opening clauses as practicable alternatives or annexes to standards.

Artificial intelligence and advancing digitalization in construction technology and processing were also discussed. In addition to the generally recognized potential in automation and increased efficiency in project management, the advantages were contrasted with issues relating to data protection, copyright and liability. Integration of the topic into various event formats of the association is already underway.

With this in mind, the program for the 27th Construction Manager Talks on 17/18 January 2025 in Bochum was officially presented. The high-calibre presentations include the latest news on standardization, tree nursery plants/urban trees, measuring and surveying with digital tools such as drones and sustainable open spaces. In addition, a compact seminar on joints in bonded construction methods will be offered alongside the three excursions on the second day of the event.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2024

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