
Economy Committee: HOAI amendment and reduction of value added tax

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The colleagues from the Economy Committee met for a short virtual meeting on 23 June 2020. At the beginning, they informed themselves about the status of the HOAI amendment.

The enabling basis for a new HOAI is currently being discussed. The presentation of the new HOAI, which will then be adapted to the ECJ ruling, will be somewhat delayed; however, it is expected in the second half of 2020. The bdla acts in close cooperation with all chambers and the planners' associations on the subject of HOAI; the BAK, BIngK and AHO are usually in charge.

It was also discussed which services the bdla could usefully provide with regard to the new HOAI. Skepticism prevails in the committee whether it will be necessary to offer an independent seminar in the pandemic for this HOAI amendment. Possibly, the bdla will therefore organise a webinar with the legal advisor on the entry into force and integrate the practical consequences for planning offices as a topic in the next economic forum.

The committee also discussed the temporary reduction in VAT, the effects on planning and construction projects, and the corresponding tasks of landscape architects. The committee is satisfied with the information provided on From the point of view of the working group members, the documents available in the meantime are basically sufficient so that planning offices can fulfil their tasks.

Further or specific questions are in part more likely to be clarified through the involvement of tax advisors. It is pleasing that the online forums of the bdla for the exchange between the members also function well with these questions.

The next bdla business forum is to take place in March 2021. The specific programme is being prepared by Jens Henningsen and Jörg Homann.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2020

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