
Why this study? Exchange of ideas between training working group and LASKO participants

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On October 1 and 2, 2021, the bdla working group on training met for its meeting in the BUGA city of Erfurt.

It was a fortunate circumstance that just at this time the annual meeting of the Student Conference Landscape, LASKO for short, was taking place in Erfurt at the University of Applied Sciences. Spontaneously, the spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met with the student representatives from all over Germany on the university campus. The meeting of both bodies - student body and professional body - at the same place was used for a personal acquaintance and an informative exchange of ideas.

Informative hints for the bdla's recruitment of young professionals emerged from a round of talks in which students from Bernburg, Berlin, Dresden-Pillnitz (cooperative study program at the HTW), Erfurt, Munich-Weihenstephan and Nürtingen, among others, expressed their views on the question: Why did I choose this study program?

The following aspects were used to justify the decision:

  • meaningful,
  • practice-oriented communicative profession,
  • good "mix" between desk and building site, or planning and building,
  • nature conservation,
  • all depend on it,
  • Holism, cycles, interdisciplinary work, interest in landscape and technology,
  • combination of creativity and natural sciences (art / botany),
  • Study program search - entered on Google: study plant art,
  • Interest in design and conservation, design impacts environment, climate resilient cities,
  • Making places better, designing for people, bringing people together,
  • eye for connections,
  • individual design, cross-cultural connections, edible landscapes, ecological,
  • "making the world a better place."

In addition, the speakers and the students exchanged views on topics such as the very different qualities of online teaching at Corona, the possible or necessary later chamber entry, which is generally not yet in the focus of the students, and career entry.

Both sides came to the conclusion that it is good and necessary to cooperate more regularly and in a more networked way in the future. Since the LASKO is indeed the student council conference of landscape architecture students in German-speaking countries, which takes place annually at a different place of study, the contact between bdla and Bundesfachschaft Landschaft (BuFaLa e. V.), the organizer of the LASKO, is agreed. In order to improve the connection of the students to the bdla, it is suggested to provide e.g. per year ten free, temporary memberships in the bdla for active members of the BuFaLa.

The personal exchange inspired all participants. So they agreed to meet again as soon as possible, either at the next preparatory meeting of LASKO in Weihenstephan in spring 2022 or at the next LASKO at BOKU Vienna in autumn 2022.

Author: Marion Linke, landscape architect bdla, Linke Kerling Stadtplaner und Landschaftsarchitekten, bdla, Landshut, bdla spokesperson
Training; text appeared in bdla association journal "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2021

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