
Training working group: Meeting with LASKO and recruitment of junior staff

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In the Austrian capital Vienna, the meeting of the Working Group Education took place on October 28 and 29, 2022. The members informed themselves about study opportunities and teaching contents for those interested in landscape architecture at the Technical University (TUW) as well as the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU).

This showed that only BOKU offers landscape architecture courses, and that at TUW one can take in-depth modules in open space design in the master's degree via the architecture course. Another special feature is the rather rural settlement structure in Austria, which does not know urban planning priorities such as water-sensitive urban concepts or explicit landscape architectural specifications in development plans to the same extent as in Germany.

Other topics included measures to combat the shortage of skilled workers and the strengthening of training centers, the potential and experience of dual courses of study, and the digitalization of teaching. In addition, some re-accreditations of universities are still pending in the next two years.

At the same time, the LASKO (Landscape Conference) took place in Vienna. The bdla is a partner and sponsor of LASKO. In a joint meeting, students and a representative of the Austrian Landscape Architects Association (ÖGLA) exchanged ideas about the study program, possibilities for improvement of the study programs as well as country-specific peculiarities in professional life.

It became clear that the pandemic with its restrictions in the interpersonal area and the purely digital teaching offers had led to a certain overload. AK members conversely pointed out that a pure performance and competition orientation on the part of the students is for the most part not appropriate for their studies and later professional life.

Further consolidation of the exchange format was welcomed by all. The LASKO 2023 will take place in Freising.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2022

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