
Working Group for the Preservation of Garden Monuments: Protection of Historic Visual Axes

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On 25 February 2019, the Garden Monument Preservation Working Group met in Berlin to exchange views with Antje Graumann from the Lower Monument Preservation Authority of the state capital Potsdam on how to protect historic sightlines.

In Potsdam, the central area of the World Heritage Site "Palaces and Parks of Berlin and Potsdam" is protected by a monument area statute. Buffer zones have been established in the vicinity of this core zone, in which building projects are to be subjected to a special examination under monument law, among other things with regard to historical views. The city administration is bound by the buffer zone specifications, also with regard to urban land use planning. In addition, a master plan for urban development was adopted in 2005, in which visual axes are also defined.

As a result, the instruments for preserving historical views or historic preservation concerns function quite well, although it should be noted that the priorities of politics and administration have shifted in recent years towards the requirements of a growing city, according to Antje Graumann. A population increase of around 40,000 people is expected by 2035.

On the initiative of the bdla and with the significant participation of several members of the working group, the seminar on "Methodology of Garden Monument Preservation from a Planning Perspective" was held for the second time in Berlin on 4 April 2019. The organizer was the German Foundation for Monument Protection.

Further topics were the protection and development of historic cultural landscapes and the catalogue of services for garden monument conservation target planning, which is to be published by the FLL in yellow print before the end of this year. It was discussed how the estates of important landscape architects could be secured. The AK essentially sees the chambers of architects as being called upon to secure or archive not only the estates of architects but also those of landscape architects. The Hamburg Architecture Archive is a model for this.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2019

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