
Working group garden monument preservation: expert conference further prepared

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For quite some time, the working group Garden Monument Preservation has been planning the bdla symposium "Historic Cultural Landscapes as a Task for Landscape Architects" on May 4, 2023 in the Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt. The online working group meeting on September 15, 2022 was characterized by the further planning of the bdla symposium.

The program has been finalized and all requested speakers have confirmed their participation. The event will be divided into three parts. The first part will be a general introduction to historic cultural landscapes and will give an overview of this topic. In the second part, the planning and legal handling of historic cultural landscapes will be discussed on the basis of the federal state of Lower Saxony.

Three speakers will talk about the registration and delimitation of concrete areas as well as present an integration of the historic cultural landscapes and an implementation in the Lower Saxony landscape program and the landscape framework plans. In this context, the superordinate process of official action at the state level will be presented in relation to the state development plan - or the landscape program and the regional plans/landscape framework plans.

The protection of the surroundings of monuments will also be shown and discussed in the lectures. The third part is characterized by exemplary tasks for landscape architects, which go along with the work with historical cultural landscapes. After each block of topics there will be enough time of about 15 minutes for discussions and questions. In the upcoming working group meeting on December 8, 2022, all open questions regarding the symposium will be clarified.

Another topic was a new cluster "Garden Monument Preservation", which is currently being developed by the working group. A first draft with possible projects from was created; this will now be discussed. All national groups are asked to contribute suitable current examples of garden monument preservation.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2022

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