
International working group: bdla goes Brussels

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On April 18 and 19, 2024, the members of the International Working Group were once again able to hold a series of informative and intensive discussions at the liaison office of the German Federal Chamber of Architects in Brussels.

The representative of the Permanent Representation of Germany to the European Union, Environmental Attaché Cyril Freitag, provided information on the legislative process of the Nature Restoration Law. At the end of March, there was no majority in the Council of Environment Ministers for its final formal adoption.

A joint letter from the two umbrella organizations of landscape architects (IFLA Europe) and architects (ACE) will be sent to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the representative of the Belgian Council Presidency in an attempt to promote the law once again at European level.

With the representatives of IFLA Europe, President Katerina Gkoltsou and Vice-President Didier Vanctusem, the expert speakers exchanged views on a coordinated professional policy network and the current status of a common training framework for landscape architecture. The first day of the meeting ended with an IFLA Europe event as part of the New European Bauhaus Festival, where Andreas Kipar gave a presentation on redesigning European landscapes through innovative solutions.

The next day, the working group had an intensive discussion with representatives of the Directorate-General for Climate Action on current initiatives against climate change, the elements of the EU climate agenda and the contribution of landscape architecture to nature-based solutions for climate protection. All representatives encouraged us to raise constructive and critical issues and offered to keep in touch.

Source: bdla association magazine "landschaftsarchitekt:innen" 2/2024

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