News Committee Public Relations

3 News Committee Public Relations

Public relations working group: Garden worlds become climate worlds

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In the BETON'T GRÜN seminar room, the public relations spokespersons were warmly welcomed to Heilbronn by Michael Hink and Ulrike Luz from bdla Baden-Württemberg on 11 May 2019.

News Committee Public Relations · 12. September 2019

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Working group public relations: public relations of the regional group and bdla on the web

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The public relations officers met for their 47th meeting in Magdeburg on 16 June 2018.

News Committee Public Relations · 15. September 2018

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Web, publications and national group public relations work

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The public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met for their 46th meeting on 17.11.2017 in Berlin.

News Committee Public Relations · 15. March 2018

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