
Arbeitskreis Städtebau Freiraumplanung: Paper on the role of green spaces in the pandemic

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The urban planning and open space planning working group had an online meeting on 11.12.2020. The topic was green open spaces in the pandemic.

It can be seen that the need for and importance of public open spaces is increasing as a result of the Corona pandemic, either because social interaction in open spaces carries less risk of infection than in enclosed spaces, or because open spaces close to homes are being used more frequently due to an increase in home offices. The working group agreed on a thesis paper on green open spaces in the pandemic.

As already discussed at the advisory board meeting on 13.11.2020 (see report page 22-23), the bdla campaign "We shape climate" was discussed. Already in September, a working group on climate was constituted under the leadership of Irene Burkhardt with the participation of renowned experts from the ranks of the bdla and beyond. The first concrete objective is to offer a bdla training course on climate adaptation, if possible as early as next year.

In the climate working group, there were also discussions about characteristic values for the supply of open space and about the need for changes to regulations in order to facilitate climate adaptation measures at the level of object planning; among other things, this concerns regulations of the FGSV (road construction) and the DWA (wastewater management). The working group sees good opportunities to bring adaptation to climate change forward in the professional public with the help of best practice and to document the competence of landscape architects in this field of work. A first collection of exemplary projects can be found at under "Climate adaptation".

Further topics of the meeting were the binding open space design plan in the building supervision procedure, the consequences of a now only non-binding HOAI and the exchange about current developments in the federal states, the respective state associations of the bdla and the chambers of architects. Here, too, adaptation to climate change is the subject of much discussion. Increasingly critical voices were reported on the development of building ever more densely.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2021

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