News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning

10 News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning

Urban development and open space planning working group: Building type E, Nature Restoration Law and urban development congress

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On April 15, 2024, the members met for an online meeting. Initiated by members of bdla Bavaria and BAK President Andrea Gebhard, the possible need for action for a so-called building type E for outdoor facilities was discussed.

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 12. June 2024

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Urban development and open space planning working group: City center and climate adaptation advisory board

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On 26.10.2023, some members of the working group came together for a meeting at the Green Space Office in Frankfurt am Main. Expert spokesperson Prof. Ulrike Böhm reported from the working group of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Building and Urban Affairs' (BMWSB) inner city advisory board on the topic of "large properties".

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 15. December 2023

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Working group on urban development and open space planning: City center advisory council and "conversion regulations

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On April 28, 2023, the Urban Development and Open Space Planning Working Group convened at the Parks Department in Frankfurt/Main. The first item on the agenda was an exchange of views on the City Center Advisory Council.

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 15. June 2023

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Working group on urban development and open space planning: Climate protection and fields of action

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On September 2, 2022, the Urban and Open Space Planning Working Group arranged to meet again physically in Kassel. After a long break due to the pandemic, they were happy to meet and discuss again. The speaker Prof. Ulrike Böhm informed about the central bdla topic "climate adaptation/climate protection".

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 12. December 2022

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Working Group on Urban Development and Open Space Planning: Urgent Paper on Climate Protection

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The meeting on March 18, 2022 served the working group urban planning and open space planning to exchange information about planned or ongoing formats of the bdla. The speaker Prof. Ulrike Böhm informed about the bdla thematic focus "We shape climate" and the three training events "Special expertise climate adaptation".

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 10. June 2022

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Urban Development and Open Space Planning Committee: Green in the Pandemic

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The meeting of the Urban Development and Open Space Planning Committee took place 26.03.2021 online. Topics included the bdla campaign "We shape climate" and the bdla workshop on climate adaptation.

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 11. June 2021

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Arbeitskreis Städtebau Freiraumplanung: Paper on the role of green spaces in the pandemic

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The urban planning and open space planning working group had an online meeting on 11.12.2020. The topic was green open spaces in the pandemic.

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 12. March 2021

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Committee urban development and open space planning: order situation currently good

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The web meeting of the Committee on Urban and Open Space Planning on 29 May 2020, chaired by Prof. Ulrike Böhm, served primarily to exchange views on the effects of the Corona pandemic.

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 14. September 2020

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Committee Urban Development Open Space Planning: Urban Movement Spaces

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The bdla-AK Städtebau und Freiraumplanung under the leadership of Prof. Ulrike Böhm had met on 11 November 2019 in Frankfurt am Main.

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 12. March 2020

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Working Group Urban Development Open Space Planning: New Challenge E-Mobility

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On 13 May 2019, the Urban and Open Space Planning Working Group met in Berlin.

News Committee Urban Development + Open Space Planning · 12. September 2019

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