
Working Group on Urban Development and Open Space Planning: Urgent Paper on Climate Protection

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The meeting on March 18, 2022 served the working group urban planning and open space planning to exchange information about planned or ongoing formats of the bdla. The speaker Prof. Ulrike Böhm informed about the bdla thematic focus "We shape climate" and the three training events "Special expertise climate adaptation".

The topic is to be further communicated to politics and society. Attempts should be made to address the federal level, in particular the Federal Ministry of Economics and the Federal Ministry of Construction, as this is where the programmatic and legal requirements for climate adaptation are formulated. Prof. Dr. Elke Mertens, Heidrun Stern and Barbara Weihs are developing a first draft for an "urgent paper" in order to create binding incentives and criteria for climate protection, e.g. when setting up funding programs.

On the subject of the open space design plan (FGP), the status of the brochure and the list of demands for the implementation of the FGP in the model building code drawn up by the bdla working group on the open space design plan were presented and discussed. The brochure should be completed by the summer break. The working group is creating an additional flyer to bring the topic to the attention of builders, planners and administrators in a low-threshold manner. The topic of climate adaptation and the open space design plan is also being debated in the Landscape Architecture Committee at the Federal Chamber of Architects (BAK).

Furthermore, the workshop "Sport in public open spaces and sports facilities" was discussed, which took place on May 10, 2022 in Mülheim an der Ruhr and was supported by the Federal Institute for Sports Science. Key topics included financial support for existing sports and leisure facilities and the increased pressure on open spaces to be used. The aim is to create synergies with the stakeholders and a professional exchange and, in a next step, to develop a handout/publication if necessary.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2022

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