
Urban development and open space planning working group: City center and climate adaptation advisory board

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On 26.10.2023, some members of the working group came together for a meeting at the Green Space Office in Frankfurt am Main. Expert spokesperson Prof. Ulrike Böhm reported from the working group of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Building and Urban Affairs' (BMWSB) inner city advisory board on the topic of "large properties".

Among other things, this resulted in the first two editions of the "City Center Guide" on the topics of "Experiments" and "Large properties". At its meeting on 9.11.2023, the working group dealt with inner-city open spaces; in particular, concrete contributions for successful practical examples of high-quality (re)designed urban open spaces were discussed and an exchange took place on a possible inner-city strategy. In addition, a publication on open spaces is also planned.

The ongoing amendment of the building code was also a key topic at the working group meeting. The general spectrum ranged from the reconstruction clause (Ahrtal) to climate protection/climate adaptation, environmental assessment procedures, PV privileges and the BauNVO. In the course of this, the association positioned itself through a series of professional policy activities such as the development of eight recommendations for climate-adapted urban planning law in June 2023.

Among other things, measures were formulated for the introduction of the open space design plan as part of a new conversion regulation, the introduction of a property-related green space factor, the establishment of orientation values for green-blue infrastructure and natural climate adaptation. Expert discussions with associations and representatives of the BMWSB are still to follow, which the working group is following with interest. A draft bill from the responsible BMWSB is still pending.

Other activities included a joint letter from BAK, BDA, DASL and bdla to Federal Building Minister Klara Geywitz in favor of a practicable building code.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2023

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