
Competition Issues Committee: Guidelines on Quality and Fairness in Competitions

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The Competition Issues Committee met in Berlin on 28 August 2020. Finally, it dealt with the guidelines "Quality and Fairness in Planning Competitions", which were developed by a team of authors from bdla Berlin/Brandenburg. They will be published in printed and digital form.

Another topic was the "Checklist for the EU Contract Notice for Planning Services" prepared by Dr. Schattenfroh and his commentary on the EU form "Contract Notice". The background to this is that, from the point of view of the bidders, VgV procedures are not always carried out optimally and a wide range of problems can arise. The topic was discussed with Dr. Schattenfroh at the last meeting of the committee. The committee sees the present checklist as a practical guide for the offices. It will be published in the members' area of the bdla website.

The committee estimates the impact of the Corona pandemic on competition and award procedures in such a way that decision-making processes and jury meetings are currently being delayed, but are not fundamentally up for discussion. There is a consensus that competition procedures can be carried out in the proven quality despite restrictions due to the pandemic.

The committee is also in favour of amending the "Notes on dealing with the effects of the Corona pandemic", which the BAK provides on its homepage. In particular, the recommendation of video conferences is not shared, which is to be expressed with a statement to the BAK.

Furthermore, possible effects of the HOAI amendment on prize money were discussed and an appeal was made to the chambers of architects to support the setting of appropriate prize money in order to make competition participation attractive for qualified and as many planning offices as possible.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2020

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