
bdla presidium meeting: Retreat on the focus of the association

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On July 7, 2022, the Executive Committee met for a closed meeting in Cologne, the hometown of the new bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen. The meeting was completely in the indication of the now sharpened federation emphasis climatic protection and climatic adaptation.

There was agreement that not only the media attention and a number of prominent movements such as "architects for future" are confirmation to continue to devote special attention to the topics. The urban context and upcoming transformations of the landscape have, in addition to the professional component, also a far-reaching political dimension, which the Association of German Landscape Architects should visibly accompany and communicate both internally and externally.

Prof. Stephan Lenzen specifically suggested setting "climate" as a programmatic focus for the association retreat at Ettersburg Castle in November 2022. To this end, the internal structures (including events at federal and state level, working groups) and thematic strands such as funding programs, policy advice, public relations, etc.) are to be evaluated in preparation. In the course of the discussion, the topic of recruiting and attracting young talent crystallized as a complementary focus.

Among many other topics, it was also specifically about the bdla's involvement in the various landscape architecture competitions. The support of the professional association with the international Peter Joseph Lenné price of the country Berlin was confirmed. Here in the technical committee of the price increased technical input is to be furnished. With the competition humans and successes of the Federal Ministry for living, building and urban development the vice-president Irene Burkhardt will bring in as jury member the authority of the profession.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2022

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