
bdla executive committee meeting: analyses, actions, tasks and a 111th birthday

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On 14.09.2023, the Executive Committee met for the fifth time in 2023 to discuss, among other things, the 16th Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy in Jena in September.

Franz Reschke reported on the side event "Ideenwerkstatt StadtLand: Ins Handeln kommen", which was organized by DASL, BDA and bdla. Due to the positive evaluation of the national congress, the bdla will be more involved in this important annual meeting in the future.

Another topic was the prospects for a substantial HOAI reform; the Executive Committee remains in close contact with active colleagues in this area. The results of the HOAI report on area planning by expert Dieter Pfrommer, which will be available shortly, were discussed.

Once again, the Executive Committee dealt with the "Gender-equitable bdla" action plan. Together with the lead working group, the aim is to gradually implement this within the association. Specifically, the bdla training series will be gendered with immediate effect, i.e. site manager talks, designer talks and plant planner talks. In terms of public relations, the focus was on the presentation of the German Landscape Architecture Award 2023 and the young talent campaign.

Developments in planning law also took up a lot of space. Gudrun Rentsch and Martina Gaebler reported, for example, on the corresponding workshop of the Landscape Planning Working Group. The executive committee supports the goal of taking a position on the topic of "accelerating procedures and planning" with bdla essentials. In addition, the association is closely monitoring the current major BauGB amendment through various background discussions. The same applies to the work of the City Center Advisory Board at the Federal Ministry of Building, which is fortunately focusing more on public open spaces.

On 12.04.2024, the bdla celebrates its 111th birthday in Berlin, linked to the advisory board meeting. A new online exhibition "111 years of landscape architecture - 1913 to 2024" will be opened to mark the occasion. The Executive Committee will invite all members to the planned spring party on the banks of the Spree. Please make a note of the date!

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2023

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