
bdla presidium meeting: Federal politics and federal professional association

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In preparation for the advisory board meeting and to celebrate the bdla's 111th birthday, the executive committee met at the federal office in Berlin on April 11, 2024.

Gudrun Rentsch, Martina Gaebler and Prof. Stephan Lenzen reported on the successful parliamentary evening on the topic of landscape change and planning acceleration. Everyone agreed that the format should be maintained, as it forms the "backbone" of the bdla's political work with federal politicians.

In the same thematic context, the members of the Executive Committee also discussed the exchange with Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and representatives of the Federal Chancellery.

The perspectives surrounding the current HOAI amendment were discussed. The 2nd expert opinion on the reform has now been put out to tender by the BMWi. A support group is to be set up by the contractor for the process of preparing the report. It should serve to mirror the expert solution proposals with representatives from practice in order to incorporate their practical knowledge and experience at an early stage.

In this context, the new "Expert study on the time required to provide basic services for landscape planning services" by Dieter Pfrommer is likely to be of considerable interest.

bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen reported on the exchange with the Federal Landscape Association. Topics included the profession's social media campaign and the development of a university landscape architecture day in 2025, similar to the Young Architects' Day.

The bdla's student landscape conference and regular invitations for students to attend meetings of the education working group are already established discussion formats. The Executive Committee agreed that the cooperation and support of students should be maintained and ideally expanded.

Source: bdla association magazine "landschaftsarchitekt:innen" 2/2024

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