
Support for urban greenery called for

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Parliamentary evening of the initiative "Green for city and countryside"

(BdB/bdla/BGL/ZVG) Urban greenery needs appreciation and promotion in order to develop its potential. On it the federation of German nurseries (BdB) registered association, the federation of German landscape architects (bdla), the Federal association garden, landscape and sports field construction registered association made. (BGL) and the Central Horticultural Association e. V. (ZVG) drew attention at the joint parliamentary evening March 22, 2022 in Berlin.

For green, species-rich and thus climate-resilient cities, plants must be planned, produced and planted, and ultimately also built and expertly maintained, the associations emphasized, calling for suitable framework conditions and planning security.

Together with the industry, recommendations for action for high-quality urban greenery have been developed and published in the White Paper on Urban Greenery. This was an important milestone that must now be built upon, underlined BdB, bdla, BGL and ZVG, and are advocating, among other things, the establishment of an independent, long-term funding program for green-blue infrastructure.

Climate trees, public parks and green spaces, species-rich cemeteries, but also planted traffic islands are part of green in the city. Plants reduce particulate matter and CO2 pollution and lower the temperature in built-up areas. With a diverse range of woody plants, perennials and ornamental plants, they also ensure biodiversity in cities and communities. Last but not least, the past two years of Corona restrictions have shown how important it is for people to spend time in nature and green spaces to compensate for restrictions in other areas of life.

It invited to exchange on the topic of urban green: (from left) Lutze von Wurmb (BGL), Till Rehwaldt (bdla), Jürgen Mertz (ZVG) and Helmut Selders (BdB). Photo: ZVG/Rafalzyk

The presidents of the four associations BdB/bdla/BGL/ZVG agree and demand: "In recent years, a rethinking has already begun, but a paradigm shift, which would be necessary due to the climate crisis, has not been addressed in a focused manner until now. In addition to the ecological consequences, however, the social impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly clear. Climate justice is becoming an imperative task. The quality of open spaces in cities and rural areas in terms of sustainability, value, resource conservation and biodiversity is of particular importance in the context of building. We have to get actively involved in order to do justice to the responsibility of the Green associations and the social relevance of their members."

The patron of the evening was Gitta Connemann, member of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag and federal chairwoman of the Mittelstands- und Wirtschaftsunion.

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