
Landscape Planning Working Group: Prioritizing Climate Protection

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The contents of the coalition agreement of the federal government were the focus of the meeting of the working group landscape planning on 03.12.2021.

The working group members discussed the various points of reference of the government program to the fields of work of landscape planners. There was agreement that the immense transformation pressure on land and landscape will be of high importance (climate protection, energy transition, infrastructure development). The colleagues Prof. Hubertus von Dressler, Prof. Catrin Schmidt and Uwe Herrmann agreed to work on a policy paper for the bdla.

Consequently, the effects of prioritizing climate protection on traditional approaches to environmental planning and assessment were also discussed. What does the coalition's goal mean for practice: "In the weighing of protected goods, we advocate that there be a time-limited priority for renewable energies until climate neutrality is achieved."

Edith Schütze saw major challenges in the expansion of the content of the usually treated protected good climate, the integration of climate protection in environmental assessment tasks or in the planning dimension of natural climate protection. Particularly because of the field of action "natural climate protection", there are considerable professional opportunities, so a specialist event is also to be held in 2022 on the topic.

Fortunately, the working group was also able to continue the now quite concrete considerations for an HOAI amendment with Georg Grobmeyer. The exchange about the different experiences with the application of the Federal Compensation Ordinance was also continued. In the second half of 2022 a public exchange of experience could be offered for this.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2022

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