
Landscape planning working group: energy transition, climate protection

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One focus of the Landscape Planning Working Group meeting on June 27, 2022 was comprehensive reform of planning law.

Kerstin Berg and Sandra Folz provided information on a number of legislative procedures that represent a far-reaching change in the planning and approval culture and are intended to contribute to the more rapid implementation of the energy turnaround. In particular, the consequences of the Wind-on-Land Act were discussed in the working group, but also individual issues - such as the interlocking of regional planning and planning approval procedures (ROG § 15/§ 49 UVPG) and the inclusion of landscape protection areas in the search for areas for wind energy development (BNatschG § 26) - were analyzed.

It was noted that with the update meeting on 20/21.10.2022 in Berlin a good information offer for the bdla members was conceived. The AK will examine whether further "assistance" for the professional practice is meaningful and possible.

The expert position formulated in the working group on the transformation pressure on surface and landscape with the title "Shaping the change" was finally discussed and will be published (see page 21 to 23). The working group members see it as particularly valuable and explicitly stated that this text deliberately does not aim at a concrete action orientation, but should open a bdla position for a fundamental professional discourse.

The AK also exchanged views on the Federal Government's intended Action Program Natural Climate Protection. It should be interesting that the BMUV will define the funding regulations for the very large funding program for Natural Climate Protection in the second half of 2022. Some AK members deepened in an additional date the medium-term need for action to the landscape planning service profiles on the occasion of the current HOAI amendment.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2022

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