
Landscape Planning Working Group: Focus on Climate Protection

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On September 21, 2022, the working group members once again addressed important developments: the Action Program Natural Climate Protection (ANK), the expert contribution on climate protection, the shortage of skilled workers, and the bdla recommendations on climate adaptation policy.

The Action Program Natural Climate Protection is a significant political program draft of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), which combines climate protection with nature conservation. The working group members analyzed the program and welcomed it in principle.

Prof. Stephan Lenzen and Mario Kahl had already emphasized the bdla's interest in the technically correct implementation in various political expert discussions. In order to be able to implement the program efficiently also from the perspective of the open space and landscape planning, these perspectives should flow into the action program. The Fachsprecher:innen agreed to participate in the online dialogue of the Federal Ministry for the Environment accordingly.

bdla spokeswoman Kerstin Berg proposed to the working group an advanced training course "Special expert contribution climate protection" for 2023. This technical contribution develops both in classical permission procedures and in urban planning etc. to the new standard. A qualification offer for the members would be extraordinarily beneficial, the present ones were unanimous.

The bdla organized a so-called Green Basic Academy in 2022. In four on-line seminars for Quereinsteiger:innen and "newcomers" in the professional practice free, rather on basic specialized knowledge oriented advanced training courses were offered. For 2023 working group asks to consider also landscape-planning topics more strongly and formulated appropriate suggestions.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 4/2022

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