
Landscape Planning Working Group: HOAI, Germany Tempo

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One focus of the working group meeting on February 16, 2023 was the evaluation of the existing fee tables of the HOAI.

The fee expert Dieter Pfrommer carried out an evaluation of the adequacy of landscape planning (basic) services. Dieter Pfrommer explained the objectives and the approach. In the core it is to be able to make statements about the "expenditure in time" for the six achievement pictures which can be examined. The goal is to qualify the 2nd part of the HOAI amendment, the adjustment of the table values, in terms of planning practice and argumentation.

Once again, it was a question of the technical effects of the acceleration debate, or rather the supposed German pace. The working group discussed the effects of the so-called EU Emergency Regulation, which was adopted by the EU Council of Energy Ministers on December 19, 2022, and is intended to enable the member states to significantly accelerate approval procedures in the field of renewable energies. The debate speculated on the potential consequences or explored the uncertainty in planning practice.

At present, various fundamental questions seem to be unanswered for the different types of projects and procedures. There was agreement that the consequences are potentially large and that it cannot be ruled out that the approaches will be extended to other infrastructure (conflict highways; encroachment regulation). The working group agreed on various activities and an online seminar on May 25, 2023 on the topic.

Dr. Dieter Günnewig and Kerstin Berg provided information on the infrastructure dialog of the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport. In 2022, the BMDV launched the process of an infrastructure dialogue with associations on the future design of federal transport infrastructure planning and the steps toward a 2040 federal transport infrastructure and mobility plan.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2023

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