
Landscape planning working group: 100x commitment since 1990

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On December 1, 2023, the landscape planning spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met for their 100th meeting.

Special guests were the "landscape planner of the first hour" Norbert Hellmann, Nümbrecht, and Bernhard Gillich, Tier, head of the working group from 2005 to 2016. bdla spokesperson Kerstin Berg had "prepared something", namely a brief outline of the 100 meetings of the working group between 1990 and 2024.

The founding of the committee was the result of a strategy meeting on landscape planning held on September 1, 1989 in Oppenheim, Rhineland-Palatinate. To this day, the work of the working group is characterized by cooperative, friendly cooperation. Some of the absolute "success stories" have been the advanced training course "Special expertise in environmental construction supervision" from 2012 to 2022, the update conferences on landscape and environmental development, the specialist conferences on current topics such as the Federal Compensation Ordinance, Water Framework Directive and impact regulation, and currently the position statement on climate protection and climate adaptation. The expert spokespersons agreed on seven essentials on "Landscape - Change - Acceleration", which will be available in March 2024 and are intended to qualify the expert public relations work.

The German government is planning to introduce Section 246e of the German Building Code (BauGB), which will transfer the emergency regulation for refugee accommodation to regular housing construction. In addition to the Executive Committee, the AK has also discussed the proposed regulation and rejects it. The bdla will advocate examining modifications to building law procedures as part of the "major" BauGB amendment.

Topics from the field of landscape planning for the "Green Basics Academy 2024" were also discussed. Mario Kahl provided information on the planned bdla training course in 2024 on the topics of climate protection and climate adaptation; Kerstin Berg will be in charge of designing the "Climate protection in approval procedures" section.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2024

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