
Landscape planning working group: pace of change and association work

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The members of the landscape planning working group met virtually on June 25, 2024.

The working group discussed the bdla's recommendations for landscape-oriented planning acceleration in times of biodiversity and climate crisis ("Essentials"). They were formulated in a voluntary effort following the working group's workshop in summer 2023. All those involved in the working group were satisfied with the result, even though the voluntary effort was extremely high. Kerstin Berg noted a good result; however, the measurable benefits of such publications and the subsequent lobbying work are inevitably difficult to measure. Martina Gaebler and Gudrun Rentsch provided information about the parliamentary evening of the BAK and bdla on March 19, 2024 in Berlin.

The direct exchange with the Federal Chancellery on the topic, which was also expanded through the participation of an employee of the Chancellery in the 2024 advisory board meeting, is also pleasing. This also enabled the bdla's objectives relating to the HOAI amendment to be brought to the attention of the Chancellor's Office.

Hubertus von Dressler had asked for a debate on the topic of "Association work - faster, more effective, more pragmatic". He stated that the ever faster legislative changes with ever shorter participation periods were also changing the work of the association. The working group subsequently decided to review its working methods and activities.

Various other topics were discussed, such as the HOAI amendment and the need for reform in area planning or the ongoing consultation process on orientation values for public green spaces.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2024

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