Seven good reasons for choosing List 1 Landscape Architects bdla
Election of the XIIIth Representative Assembly of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects
13 - 30 April 2021
List 1 Landscape architects bdla
You have four votes - use them!
The Representative Assembly of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects lays the foundations for the professional and technical work of all professions represented in the Chamber. The Assembly of Representatives and the Board of Directors of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects are important places of commitment and influence. Our participation pays off! That is why it is particularly important that we take the initiative there in promoting the interests of landscape architects and that we are heard!
We also have many plans for the coming election period: We want to further increase the appreciation of relevant topics of landscape architecture in the public.
Please support us with your votes so that we can have an influence with as many representatives as possible as and for landscape architects. The more we are represented in the Chamber, the more effectively we can introduce our goals in the committees of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects.
For the following areas we want to be particularly active:
Climate-friendly and sustainable in city and landscape
We champion issues that matter for the future, create value for all as a result. We plan in a climate-fair, socially balanced, cooperative, ecological and sustainable way.
Planning and building in a climate-appropriate, socially balanced and ecologically sustainable way is a central task in landscape architecture. We want to use our skills to ensure that both the dense city and the village community remain liveable in the future. To this end, we must promote the social relevance of our services and their appreciation among the population and politicians. For a liveable future, we need the best solutions. These can only succeed if all disciplines of urban planning, architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and all other engineering and specialist fields work together cooperatively. Respectful and understanding interaction with each other is a prerequisite for good individual solutions to develop into a great whole. This is what we want to promote and advocate.
¶ Discuss this topic with our candidates: Discussion on Wednesday, April 7 - 6:00 p.m.
¶ Our climate protection working group in bdla Bavaria is also committed to this topic.
Strong young professionals - the future of our profession
We support the younger generation in their professional ideals, visions and interests because the future is being shaped in the present.
Young landscape architects are the future of our profession. We support them in the realisation of their professional ideals and visions and want to stand up for their interests within and outside the Bavarian Chamber of Architects. In doing so, it is a particular concern of ours to provide our young professionals with assistance in various aspects of our profession as well as to offer opportunities for professional exchange with each other and with experienced colleagues. In this context, the various concerns of students, young professionals, young employees, start-ups and young offices should be specifically considered and represented. In addition, we consider it particularly important to strengthen the interdisciplinary exchange between young colleagues of all related professions.
¶ Discuss this topic with our candidates: Discussion on Thursday, April 15 - 6:00 p.m.
¶ Our AG Junge Landschaftsarchitekten (Young Landscape Architects Working Group) is also committed to this topic in bdla Bavaria.
Reasonable fees - essential for owners and employees.
We are committed to ensuring the future quality of design services and reasonable fees combined with good working conditions.
The amendment of the Fee Regulations for Architects and Engineers necessitated by the ECJ ruling raises numerous questions concerning the future safeguarding of not only adequate but also appropriate fees. Together with other associations, we advocate the necessary measures to ensure the quality of planning services. It is also important for us to stand up for adequate working conditions for the employees of planning offices.
¶ Discuss this topic with our candidates: Discussion on Wednesday, April 14 - 6:00 p.m.
¶ Our AG Ökonomie is also committed to this topic in bdla Bavaria.
Future strategic landscape development - landscape plan reset
We are committed to future-strategic landscape development at all planning levels and in realising the environmental objectives that are so important. We are in the process of developing new and further instruments - specifically the municipal landscape plan.
We are committed to ensuring that the landscape plan, which is to be further developed and modernised, is perceived and appreciated by politicians and the population as a socially relevant contribution of our discipline to landscape, climate and species protection. Our project proposal 'Landscape Plan reset' was immediately taken up by the Bavarian Minister of the Environment Thorsten Glauber 2020, the multi-year model project with municipalities from all administrative districts will start in winter 2020/2021. We from bdla Bavaria participate in the project-accompanying working group and want to bring these experiences and competences into the professional work of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects.
¶ Discuss this topic with our candidates: Discussion on Thursday, April 8 - 6:00 p.m.
¶ For this topic in the bdla Bavaria also our AG landscape development engages itself.
Healthy competition with transparent and fair procedures.
We support initiatives that advocate fair and transparent procurement procedures, thereby also strengthening offices with small structures.
The competition among those working in the field of building culture, which is necessary for building culture, must not be endangered either by ruinous price wars or by unfair or non-transparent participation criteria. In the last legislative period, recognised guidelines for fair award procedures were initiated and adopted with the participation of the representatives of the landscape architects, and a "Good Award Fund" was installed. All of this now provides members with the prospect of financial legal assistance from the Chamber in addition to professional support. We must and we will develop further initiatives for fair awards, consistently representing the interests of young and small offices, as they are indispensable for diversity and quality in the planning culture!
¶ Discuss this topic with our candidates: Discussion on Wednesday, April 14 - 6:00 p.m.
¶ Our AG Ökonomie is also committed to this topic in bdla Bavaria.
Public relations - the basis for society's appreciation of our profession
We will continue to focus on increasing public knowledge and appreciation of our work at all levels of action.
Urban planning, architecture, interior design and landscape architecture are interdependent as tasks of building culture when it comes to designing a liveable, sustainable environment. We will intensify our successful public relations work of the past years in order to further increase awareness of the value and relevance of our profession. We will use and promote the analogue and digital discussion, exhibition and further education formats of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects. We will continue and supplement the successful formats such as the "Landscape Architecture Day". New formats and activities that lead us out of the filter bubble of the profession, under current conditions and on current topics of the built environment will additionally enrich the existing offer.
In order to underline the cooperation between the disciplines that promotes building culture, we are pushing for the inclusion and naming of all disciplines involved in all publications and award ceremonies. We are committed to ensuring that the voice of our profession is also given greater weight in the Chamber's external communications - and that our green* influence is thus increased.
¶ Join us for a discussion on this topic with our candidates: Discussion on Wednesday, April 7 - 6:00 p.m.
The Bavarian Chamber of Architects - transparency and service for members
Together with representatives of other associations and
lists, we work to ensure that the Bavarian Chamber of Architects acts quickly, transparently and cooperatively for all its members, offers the best possible service and contributes as a weighty voice to the social discourse
The natural and cooperative cooperation of all disciplines represented in the Chamber is the basis for achieving the goals set. Together with the other associations, we work as a team to ensure that the Bavarian Chamber of Architects can work quickly and transparently. Interest-related newsletters and annual or semi-annual reports accessible to all members should provide continuous information on the Chamber's activities for the profession.
The service for members must be further expanded and in some cases offered exclusively to members. Equally important is external communication: we stand for the Chamber to represent the interests of its members to third parties with conviction, vehemence and perseverance.
¶ Join us for a discussion on this topic with our candidates: Discussion on Thursday, April 15 - 6:00 p.m.
More green* in the chamber!
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