Meet the team: Discuss core issues of the election programme with our candidates.
Election of the XIIIth Representative Assembly of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects
13 - 30 April 2021
Discussion evenings for the Chamber election - Discuss with us the focal points of the election programme of List 1 Landscape Architects bdla! In several video conferences, our candidates will not only be available to answer your questions, but also look forward to a professional and collegial exchange.
Wednesday, April 7 - 6:00 p.m.
Climate-friendly and sustainable in cities and landscapes // Public relations - the basis for society's appreciation of our profession
Candidates: Andreas Rockinger and Markus Schäf
Thursday, April 8 - 6:00 p.m.
Saving land - future-strategic landscape development - landscape plan reset
Candidates: Barbara Weihs, Dr. Johannes Gnädinger
Wednesday, 14 April - 18:00
Reasonable fees - essential for owners and employees // Healthy competition with transparent and fair procedures
Candidates: Doris Grabner, Franz Damm
Thursday, April 15 - 6:00 p.m.
Strong young professionals - the future of our profession // Bavarian Chamber of Architects: transparency and service for members
Candidates: Nicole Meier, Franz Damm, Markus Schäf and Max Köppel
Technical advice
- Join the meetings via computer, tablet or smartphone:
- A prior installation of the app is required:
- The meeting room will be open from 5:30pm each day so you can dial in and check access, microphone and audio in advance.
- In case of technical problems you can reach Elisabeth Auer on 0152 / 03058811.
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0