
Seminar on waste and disposal law for construction projects - practical knowledge for architects and landscape architects

Location / Place



23. January 2025


Bayerische Architektenkammer in Kooperation mit bdla Bayern

Seminar on waste and disposal law for construction projects - practical knowledge for architects and landscape architects

Location / Place



23. January 2025


Bayerische Architektenkammer in Kooperation mit bdla Bayern

Bruns - Bayern




GIMA - Bayern


The seminar is aimed at architects, landscape architects and planners.

The half-day seminar provides architects with compact and practical knowledge of the relevant legal principles and current developments relating to the recycling and disposal of waste and excavated soil in construction projects.

The circular economy and the sustainable handling of waste and soil as a resource are becoming increasingly important for the construction industry. At the same time, the environmental requirements for construction projects are increasing. Excavated soil and mineral construction waste generated during new construction, renovation and demolition measures must be recycled or disposed of in a high-quality, proper and economical manner in accordance with the new Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (EBV).

The handling of asbestos in buildings will require new concepts from this year. The new EU Asbestos Directive came into force in November 2023 and will be implemented by all member states of the European Union by the end of 2025. As part of its implementation, the amended Hazardous Substances Ordinance, which was already announced for 2023, is expected to come into force in 2024. In addition, a new LAGA enforcement guideline on the disposal of waste containing asbestos (M23) was published in May 2023. Among other things, these new regulations will introduce new asbestos investigation obligations for older buildings and the full implementation of risk-based action plans for activities involving asbestos. At the same time, when disposing of potentially asbestos-containing construction waste, it will be mandatory to provide proof that it is asbestos-free. This must be taken into account in planning tasks.

The seminar presents the possibilities for creating concepts for the economic handling of construction waste and excavated soil as well as the resulting potential for reducing liability risks and costs.

Holger Seit, lawyer, Munich, lecturer at Munich University of Applied Sciences

Thursday, 23.01.2025
14.00 - 17.30


Note: The reduced participation fees apply to members of bdla Bayern. If you are a member of bdla Bayern but not a member of ByAK, please obtain a registration code from the bdla Bayern office, register as a guest and enter the code in the comments field when registering. You will then automatically be charged only the membership price.

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