
Seminar Excavated soil as a resource - The new Substitute Building Materials Ordinance and Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (Mantelverordnung) in construction practice

Location / Place



20. November 2024


Bayerische Architektenkammer in Kooperation mit bdla Bayern

Seminar Excavated soil as a resource - The new Substitute Building Materials Ordinance and Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (Mantelverordnung) in construction practice

Location / Place



20. November 2024


Bayerische Architektenkammer in Kooperation mit bdla Bayern

Bruns - Bayern


GIMA - Bayern




The seminar is aimed at architects, landscape architects and planners.

The half-day seminar provides architects with compact and practical knowledge on the legal basis for the installation of mineral substitute building materials in technical structures and soil-like applications (e.g. in gardening and landscaping).

Construction work generates waste that must be recycled in an environmentally sound manner or disposed of in a generally acceptable and orderly manner. This applies in particular to excavated soil, in connection with the central question of whether it is waste or a usable resource in the cases in question. In order to ensure a smooth construction process, project developers and their planners should address the issue at an early stage and develop solutions for the avoidance or further handling of excavated soil material for the specific construction measures.

This will cover the characterization of soil material in terms of waste legislation, its storage or temporary storage and disposal (recycling and disposal), as well as options for avoiding and minimizing soil material. In addition, selected examples are used to illustrate current case law relating to tendering for the disposal of excavated soil. The new LfU work aid "Handling soil material" published in July 2022 will also be discussed.

Holger Seit, lawyer, Munich, lecturer at Munich University of Applied Sciences

Wednesday, 20.11.2024
14.00 - 17.30

Place of event:

Note: The reduced participation fees apply to members of bdla Bayern. If you are a member of bdla Bayern but not a member of ByAK, please obtain a registration code from the bdla Bayern office, register as a guest and enter the code in the comments field when registering. You will then automatically be charged only the membership price.

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