For Friday, 21 July the bdla Bavaria invites to the summer celebration in the Vorhoelzer forum to Munich.
From 18:30 we welcome you with an aperitif, from 19:00 we continue our lecture series Landscape Architecture eXport: this time colleagues report on their project experiences in Italy.
From 20:30 we look forward to intensive discussions with colleagues on the roof terrace with one of the most beautiful views in Munich.
- 18:30 Welcome and apero
- 19:00 h Landscape Architecture eXport Part 4: Italy
Project reports by Dr. (I) Arch. Andreas Kipar, Landscape Architect bdla Milan and Prof. Stefan Tischer, Berlin - Sassari, Landscape Architect Berlin - 20:30 Summer party
Date Friday, 21 July 2016
Location Vorhoelzer Forum. Munich, Arcisstraße 21 (5th upper floor).
Registration The registration deadline is 17.7., a reservation is no longer possible.
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0