Register now for the specialist course on environmental construction supervision 2018 in Munich
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A few free places are still available on the UBB course 2018. The bdla and the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Department of Landscape Planning, have established the extra-occupational qualification Environmental Construction Management.
Since 2013, many practitioners have already successfully completed the training "Special expertise in environmental construction supervision" and can thus document their qualification with a university certificate. The training builds on existing ecological and procedural knowledge and imparts communicative, legal, constructional and scientific competence. The training is the only one of its kind and quality in Germany. It has now established itself as the relevant training standard among clients of UBB. The 2018 course will take place over three weekends in Munich:
26 and 27 October 2018
16 and 17 November 2018
07 and 08 December 2018
For information on the course, please contact:
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) / Landscape Architect Claudia Schliemer
Lecturer for special tasks
Landscape Development Course / Landscape Planning Department
Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0
Landscape Architecture