The guideline, part 3 to DIN 18040 has been published in the meantime.
You can obtain it free of charge from (article no.: 03500236) or with shipping costs from the Bavarian Chamber of Architects.
Barrier-free building DIN 18040 Part 3: Public transport and open space
Ed: Bayerische Architektenkammer, Bayerisches Bauministerium, Bayerisches Sozialministerium / Munich 2018.
218 pages, numerous graphics, brochure, format 21.00 x 29.5 cm.
The guide offers assistance in the barrier-free planning of public transport and open space according to DIN 18040 Part 3. With practical examples and clear graphics, the requirements for barrier-free building are explained.
You can find a discussion contribution on the topic in our bdla debate.
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