
bdla seminar on work contract law, HOAI and VgV. Munich, 6 November

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Seminar contents:

  • Consequences of the ECJ ruling for the application of HOAI
  • Contract for work and services for outdoor facilities
  • Landscape planning contract for work and services
  • Award of planning services, focus on VgV procedure for outdoor facilities Sung Hyun Cho / Pixabay

    Sung Hyun Cho / Pixabay


  • Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh - specialist lawyer for building and architectural law, specialist lawyer for public procurement law, legal advisor to the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and legal advisor to the Association of German Landscape Architects
  • Lia Möckel - in-house lawyer Bavarian Chamber of Architects, department for law and professional regulations, with
  • Doris Grabner - landscape architect and board member of the bdla Bavaria, member of the ByAK competence team award and competition.

Date: Wednesday, 6 November 2019, 12.00 - 17.00 h
Venue: Tagungszentrum Kolpinghaus, Adolf-Kolping-Straße 1, 80336 Munich, Germany

Fee (does not include VAT according to § 4, No. 22 UStG):
Members bdla and their employees 100,00 € / Juniors 100,00 € / Guests 150,00 €
Including refreshments and conference documentation. The number of participants is limited to 40.

To the registration

Parking is available in the Alpina Parkhaus am Stachus, Adolf-Kolping-Str. 10. 80336 Munich. Reduced conference rates are available. Please do not pay the parking ticket at the machine, but directly at the parking attendant.

Organiser: Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten, Landesverband Bayern e.V.

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